MyCDC™ is a system developed for aged care services.
It focuses on introducing Consumer Directed Care into Residential and Home Care. It has been successfully operating for over 8 years and operational with a number of aged care providers across Australia.
MyCDC™ is a systems based approach to providing care and services. The main principle is open disclosure on all parts of the service. This is from the first contact with someone right through all parts of the care and services provided. Many talk about a "person centered" approach and with MyCDC™ is a system that delivers on this and much more.
With over 4,500 staff trained in MyCDC™ in both Residential and Home Care the model is now mature and is delivering genuine consumer choice so people are able to live the lives they wish.
The MyCDC™ system is based on "Normalization" model which De-Institutionalizes residential aged care and provides a social model for Home Care. As the system gains momentum and becomes more widely used a series of partnerships have been developed to support its ongoing development. Listed below are the partners with MyCDC™ and are assisting it to become Best Practice in delivering aged care services.
Research Analytics brings over 28 years experience in aged care. We developed the MyCDC™ odel for residential care and published a report for the Minister of Aged Care on how this operates. It has also developed aged care systems that support business & financial systems, including MyCDC™. Research Analytics has now linked up with a number of technology companies to make MyCDC™ more accessible and easy to use. It now offers a full suite of functions needed for the changes occurring in aged care.
Telltouch is used by MyCDC™ providers and gives instant feedback from residents, clients and relatives on how they feel about the service. It also incorporates regulatory compliance measures such as the Serious Incident Reporting (SIRS).
Turnpoint Care Software. We have linked up with Turnpoint to provide the software required to support MyCDC™ with a Customer Relations Management system. This produces the financial statements for people living in residential care which will be mandatory from July 2025 onwards. Turnpoint also provides systems for home care and disability services.
CFS Australasia is a contact tracing system that provides information about the amount of contact people living in residential care have with Nurses, Carers and other staff. It supports MyCDC™ by providing the data needed to cost out services in the MyCDC™ financial model in Turnpoint. It is easy to use, reliable and prepares organisations for the future requirements in aged care.
Melanie Tan MBBS (Melb), MA (Cantab) (Law), CHIA, AICGG, MCHSM, MAICD, has a background that spans over 25 years as a medical practitioner (in acute care), lawyer (aged care, health and medical negligence), and medico-legal adviser (in medical defence organisations). She brings these experiences together to offer a unique perspective in providing independent consulting and advisory services in clinical governance (including training). She believes in authentic consumer-directed care across all sectors and is a Non-Executive Director of Uniting SA (and member of its Great Consumer Experience Committee), as well JPS Audit Specialists (NDIS).
In conclusion:
We provide Forums for current operators using MyCDC™ and others interested to find out more.
MyCDC™ is about building relationships that allows people to "live the life they choose".
Articles, Reports and Presentations on MyCDC™ & Aged Care
“Staff have more time to talk to you”. – Resident
“I think they’re here to help, not just in a job” – Resident about Staff
“It will be great. I can’t wait. The original goal was to jump out of the helicopter.” – Resident whose goal was to have a helicopter ride.
“Understanding the money is good. It puts me at ease” - Resident”
“I appreciate what you girls do for me now. Before you were always rushing in and out.” - Resident.
“I’m really enjoying it. You can actually see the difference in Residents themselves, see it in their faces.” – Staff Member
“I know that when a resident asks me for something then I can now get it done for them and they trust me”. – Staff Member
“ This was a Crazy Idea and System but you know what - it works.” – CEO
“ When you talk to the residents and their families, they seem a lot more involved in their care plans and actually understand what’s going on". – CEO